Modern Slavery Statement
This Modern Slavery Statement is made pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) by Red Brick Nominees Pty Ltd ATFT MJM Family Trust t/as “Elite® Graphix” ABN 61 695 153 132 for the proceeding financial year.
Organisation’s business and structure
Elite® Graphix is supplier of bespoke signage goods and services across Australia. Our customers are typically medium to large-scale enterprises with diverse signage needs. Elite® Graphix is positioned to assist most enterprises with their signage, labelling, laser engraving and name badge needs. Elite® Graphix has one office in Perth, Western Australia and manufacturers the majority of its products from this location.
Elite® Graphix is an Australian private company whose sole director is Marcus John Smith.
Elite® Graphix has traded for 35 years and was previously known as Elite Engraving and Elite Badges.
Our stance against modern slavery
We are committed to conducting business responsibly and ethically and to ensuring that all aspects of our business practices, including our supply chains, are free from any form of slavery. We reject any and all forms of modern slavery which can take the form of unpaid or underpaid servitude, human trafficking and forced labour. We are committed to implementing effective systems and controls to ensure that it does not take place within our own business or through any of our supply chains.
Our supply chains
Our supply chains include, but are not limited to, suppliers of signage products. Signage products include, but are not limited to, acrylic, aluminium composite material (ACM) and aluminium sheeting, window films, engraving substrates and consumables.
Our policies on and due diligence processes for slavery and human trafficking
Elite® Graphix has a zero-tolerance policy for slavery and human trafficking occurring within its own business and its supply chain. As a signage services organisation operating only in Australia, there is no risk of modern slavery occurring within our direct business operations. However, we recognise we could be indirectly exposed to the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking through our supply chains.
The risk of these activities occurring within our business or supply chain is low as the majority of our supply chain are Australian companies. Nevertheless, Elite® Graphix will take steps to identify and assess the risks in relation to slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain in line with our industry sector.
We will adopt internal policies and procedures to ensure employee awareness of and compliance to our zero-tolerance position on modern slavery and human trafficking. These will include steps employees can take to prevent Elite® Graphix from inadvertently engaging in supplier relationships in conflict with such position. Further, we will consider our contracting processes, setting expectations with our suppliers to comply with all applicable laws, including those combatting modern slavery and human trafficking, such as the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).
Our commitment to training
Elite® Graphix are committed to training our employees and ensuring they have a healthy understanding and respect for how their choices can have far-reaching impacts upon basic human rights across the globe. We will consider such training resources provided by Anti-Slavery Australia to be made available to our employees.
Next steps
Elite® Graphix will identify and evaluate risks relating to the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and develop our policies, procedures, and training to help combat modern slavery. To the extent such risks or actual violations are identified, we will implement all appropriate actions to eliminate them, including disengaging with suppliers if necessary.
This statement was approved by the Director of Elite Graphix in their capacity as principal body of Red Brick Nominees Pty Ltd ATFT MJM Family Trust t/as “Elite® Graphix” ABN 61 695 153 132 on 29 March 2022. This statement is signed by Marcus John Smith in his role as Director of Red Brick Nominees Pty Ltd ATFT MJM Family Trust t/as “Elite® Graphix” ABN 61 695 153 132 on 29 March 2022.
Marcus John Smith
Elite® Graphix